Katie Caffee
Business Manager

Niobrara County School District
619 West 5th Street
PO Box 629
Lusk, WY 82225

Benefit/Payroll Deduction

Salary Schedules

Flex Forms

Classified Application

WY Statewide Certified App Fillable

Compliance Training

Safe Schools Training

Employment Policies


All positions can be applied for through the district office (307) 334-0337 or inquiries may be emailed to: Applications are available on this page and must include a current resume, letter of application, transcript, and at least 3 letters of recommendation. When completed applications can be delivered or emailed.

District Maintenance Person (FT position)

Classified position

Niobrara County School District is accepting applications for a full-time maintenance position.  Experience in any and all areas of general maintenance and repair is beneficial but not required.  Any maintenance related certification is beneficial. .  Position will work 260 day schedule with paid holidays, vacation time and sick leave. 

Special Education Teacher

Certified Position

Niobrara County School District #1 in Lusk, WY is accepting applications for a Special Education Teacher. Applications may be obtained by stopping by 619 West Fifth St., calling 307-334-3793 or logging onto NCSD#1 is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Music Teacher K-12

Certified Position

Niobrara County School District #1 inn Lusk, WY is accepting applications for a Special Education Teacher. Applications may be obtained by stopping by 619 West Fifth St., calling 307-334-3793 or logging onto NCSD#1 is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Elementary Teacher

Certified Position

Niobrara County School District #1 in Lusk, WY is accepting applications for an Elementary Teacher. Applications may be obtained by stopping by 619 West Fifth St., calling 307-334-3793 or logging onto NCSD#1 is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Elementary Teacher Outline

Art Teacher K-12

Certified Position

Niobrara County School District #1 in Lusk, WY is accepting applications for an Art Teacher K-12. Applications may be obtained by stopping by 619 West Fifth St., calling 307-334-3793 or logging onto NCSD#1 is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Art Teacher (K-12) Outline


Classified Position

Niobrara County School District #1 in Lusk, WY is accepting applications for Bus Driver substitutes. Classified applications may be obtained by stopping by 619 West Fifth St., calling 307-334-3793 or logging onto NCSD#1 is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Classified Position

Niobrara County School District #1 is seeking a Licensed Practical Nurse Substitute or Registered Nurse Substitute to begin immediately. Interested candidates should contact the school district office at 619 West Fifth Street 307-334-3793 for more information. NCSD#1 is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Classified Position

Niobrara County School District #1 is accepting applications for custodial substitutes. Classified applications may be obtained by stopping by 619 West Fifth St., calling 334-3793 or logging onto NCSD#1 is an Equal Opportunity Employer.